About Us
Science for the Public is a grassroots nonprofit organization. Our mission is to improve public understanding of, and appreciation for, science. Modern democratic society depends on an informed public in a global community. And because of the prominent role of science in modern culture worldwide, an informed public requires an understanding of basic scientific concepts, new developments in science, and issues related to science. There is no science curriculum for the general public. We provide the best information we can obtain with the help of outstanding scientists who are committed to informing the public. We do this through our programs and supplementary resources on our Website.
Board of Directors
- Kamaljit S. Bawa, Ph.D. , Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Biology, University of Massachusetts-Boston, DIrector Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology & Environment (ATREE) additional background
- Gerald V. Denis, Ph.D., F.T.O.S, Professor of Medicine and Pharmacology, Boston University School of Medicine; Co-Director, BU-BMC Cancer Center Section of Hematology/Oncology
- Robinson W. Fulweiler, Ph.D., Professor of Earth, Environment and Biology, Boston University
- Brian Helmuth, Ph.D., Professor of Marine and Environmental Sciences; also Professor, School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs; and Director, Sustainability Science and Policy Initiative, Northeastern University
- Markus Klute, Ph.D., Humboldt Professor of Physics, Karlesruhe Institute of Technology (Germany)Markus Klute, Ph.D.
- Andrew Knoll, Ph.D., Fisher Professor Emeritus of Natural History and Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences), Harvard University
- Amala Mahadevan, Ph.D., Senior Scientist, Physical Oceanography, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
- Sameer Sonkusale, Ph.D., Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Tufts University; PI, Nanoscale Integrated Sensors and Circuits Laboratory (NanoLab).
- David Toomey, Ph.D., Professor of English and Co-Director of the Program for Professional Writing and Technical Communication. University of Massachusetts-Amherst
We produce three programs:
- The Public Science Lectures scheduled at Boston-area venues in spring and fall
- Contemporary Science Issues and Innovations interview program recorded at Belmont Media Center community TV
- Working Science mini-documentaries --recorded generally in researchers' labs
Scientists participate in Science for the Public programs as a public service. Our programs are produced by volunteers through the services of the Belmont Media Center Community TV in Belmont Massachusetts. Belmont Media Center broadcasts the programs and provides a video list on the BMC Website (mostly under "Contemporary Science.") Videos of our programs are uploaded to the Science for the Public Website, the WGBH Forum Network, and the SftPublic YouTube channel.
Science for the Public endorses the efforts of Boston-area museums and universities that encourage public interest in science. For a list of Boston-area science organizations that host public events see the Science Boston link on the bottom (footer) of our home page.
We welcome input from the public as well as from the science community.