Impact of Climate Change on Birds and Plants of Massachusetts

Jan 15, 2013 at Robbins (Arlington) Public Library, Arlington, MA
A collaborative SftPublic and Friends of the Robbins Library event in memory of FRL colleague

Richard Primack, PhD, Professor of Biology, Boston University The Primack Lab
(see links to Dr. Primack's interviews and articles about his Concord project below)

For the last decade, Richard Primack and his colleagues and students have been using the journals of Henry David Thoreau and the meticulous records kept by other residents of Massachusetts to reconstruct the history of climate change in Massachusetts. In this lecture Professor Primack discusses how the warming climate is affecting plants, birds and insects in Massachusetts and the northeast in general. The Primack Lab's Concord project is considered a major contribution to the science of climate change. Dr. Primack is an international figure in conservation and his textbooks are major resources in university conservation courses.

Dr. Primack's new book Walden Warming: Climate Change Comes to Thoreau's Woods (2014)


NYT 4/23/14 article on Dr. Primack's research

Primack news (2013) (thanks also to Russ Cohen of Massachusetts Fish & Game Dept)
4/18/13 Op-Ed,NYT Early Bloomers Primack, Miller-Rushing, and Stadtlander
2/12/13 Primack's newest study Climate Change Affects Flight Periods of Butterflies in MA
(1/17/13) NPR Understanding Climate Change, With Help From Thoreau
(1/17/13) EarthSky Heat brings earliest spring blooms on record
(1/18/13) Space Daily [An Early Sign of Spring, Earlier than Ever ]( _An_early_sign_of_spring_earlier_than_ever_999.html)
PLOS ONE Record-Breaking Early Flowering in the Eastern United States
Smithsonian blog Surprising Science: Plants Flower Nearly a Month Earlier Than They Did A Century Ago

Textbooks by Richard Primack

