There Is More Than Enough Renewable Energy

The Citizen Literacy Series: science-media-civic literacy for an informed, engaged public
a joint project of Science for the Public, Belmont Media Center, and Belmont Public Library
March 06, 2018, Belmont Library, Belmont, MA

Mara Prentiss, Ph.D., Mallinckrodt Professor of Physics, Harvard University. Prentiss Research Lab

Dr. Prentiss discusses how we can shift entirely to renewable energy. Her book is a very clear and readable resource for the energy revolution that many nations are already implementing. How can we accomplish this in the US, and how fast? And how can we overcome the resistance from the fossil fuel industry?

Dr. Prentiss is author of Energy Revolution: The Physics and the Promise of Efficient Technology


Here is some background: Energy: Be the Change
On average renewable energy can supply more than 100% total current and future US energy consumption, but at each moment we need the actual supply to meet the actual demand. Moving toward an all electrical energy economy can make this dream a reality.

Altering Course: Why the United States May Be On the Cusp of an Energy Revolution

The Prentiss group focuses on using physics tools to elucidate important problems in biology. The basic principles governing self-assembly have been a focus of recent work. It has long been known that any complex self-assembling system faces a tradeoff between the speed at which the system explores different configurations and the stability of the final product. The Prentiss group has shown that this paradox can be overcome in various systems, but their research has focused on two systems that play important roles in the interactions between chromosomes in vivo.