Meet Marc Weisskopf, PhD, ScD
Contemporary Science Issues and Innovations
Belmont Media Center, Belmont MA July 23, 2013
Professor Weisskopf gave a SftPublic presentation on Environmental Contaminants and Autism on July 23, 2013
Dr. Weisskopf is an Associate Professor of Environmental and Occupational Epidemiology, Harvard School of Public Health. He received hois PhD in Neuroscience from the University of California, San Francisco (1994) and his ScD in Epidemiology from the Harvard School of Public Health in 2006. He joined the HSPH faculty in that year and he is a faculty member of both the Department of Environmental Health and the Department of Epidemiology.
Dr. Weisskopf applies his combined expertise in neuroscience and environmental contaminants to research on a variety of disorders, including cognitive disorders such as autism, neurological diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and Parkinson's Disease, and psychiatric disorders. He has investigated the relationship between specific contaminants such as lead, manganese, formaldehyde, Agent Orange, and air pollution and particular disorders.