Conflicting Science on the Safety of Genetically Modified Food

Science for the Public: The Public Science Lectures
June 12, 2014 Cambridge Public Library, Cambridge, MA
This lecture was the third in our 4-part series on health and environment at Cambridge Library.

Sheldon Krimsky, PhD., Lenore Stern Professor of Humanities & Social Sciences; and Adjunct Professor, Department of Public Health & Community Medicine, Tufts University.


While there have been controversies between vegetarians and meat-eaters or organic versus conventional farming, rarely has there been a time when food has divided society into two major warring camps. But that is the situation regarding genetically modified food (aka genetically modified organisms or GMOs). One camp proclaims that genetically modified crops represent the future of food. The other camp believes it is a corporate conspiracy that will contaminate and endanger the world's food supply. Can science bring us closer to the truth about GMOs?
Dr. Krimsky is Chairman of the Board for the Council for Responsible Genetics. The CRG provides a unique historical lens into the modern history, science, ethics, and politics of genetic technologies. Since 1983 the Council has had leading scientists, activists, science writers, and public health advocates researching and reporting on a broad spectrum of issues, including genetically engineered foods, biological weapons, genetic privacy and discrimination, reproductive technologies, and human cloning.

The GMO Deception (release date June 03, 2014): Sheldon Krimsky & Jeremy Gruber (Eds), with Forward by Ralph Nader.
Publisher info about The GMO Deception: Seventy-five percent of processed foods on supermarket shelves--from soda to soup, crackers to condiments--contain genetically engineered ingredients. The long-term effects of these foods on human health and ecology are still unknown, and public concern has been steadily intensifying. This new book from the Council for Responsible Genetics gathers the best, most thought-provoking essays by the leading scientists, science writers, and public health advocates. Collectively, they address such questions as: Are GM foods safe and healthy for us? Will GM food really solve world hunger?

SftPublic Author page for Dr. Krimsky